
Lebanon, officially known as the Lebanese Republic, is a country in Western Asia. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east and Israel to the south, while... Wikipedia

  • Capital:  Beirut
  • Religion:  Islam, ~28.7% Sunni, ~28.4% Shi'a, ~0.6% Alawi/Ismaili, Christianity, ~22% Maronite, ~8% Orthodox, ~5% Melkite, ~4% Armenian, (Armenian Apostolic Church and Catholic), ~1% Minorities, (Jacobite, Syriac Catholic, Nestorian, Chaldean, Latin Catholic, and Coptic)
  • Demonym:  Lebanese
  • Currency:  Lebanese pound
  • Legislature:  Parliament
  • Anthem:  Kullunā li-l-waṭan, English: All of us! For our Country!
  • Data source:  DuckDuckGo