Previously launched arsenic a furniture 1 blockchain network, Celo has present joined the Ethereum ecosystem with it transiting into a furniture 2 network. With the transition, Celo volition grow its inferior acold beyond to galore dApps.
The connection to marque Celo a furniture 2 web was published agelong agone successful July 2023 and it has present yet travel to enactment with the blockchain present becoming a portion of Ethereum’s wide ecosystem, which is valued implicit $455 cardinal with hundreds of dApps and projects.
In the announcement post, Celo said that it has present joined Ethereum’s shared roadmap which is present much focused connected rollups & modular scalability. This migration has besides helped Celo successful expanding its beingness successful the crypto space.
“This migration was made imaginable by the cLabs engineers who worked tirelessly implicit 20+ months to sphere the authorities of the web portion driving Celo into its winning era,” said Celo team, “ L1 validators preparing & upgrading their clients were indispensable to minimizing web downtime.”
Following the news, the terms of CELO token has shows decent absorption portion it has surged implicit 12% successful the past 7 days. CELO terms is presently trading adjacent $0.4 – arsenic per Coinmarketcap data.

The improvement of Celo’s furniture 2 infrastructure is based connected Optimism’s OP stack and it has besides utilized EigenDA. This innovative attack volition pb Celo to execute astir 1 2nd artifact clip portion enabling users to wage state fees utilizing tokens similar USDT and USDC.
“Celo’s “return location to Ethereum” bridges the champion of some worlds: Celo’s absorption connected real-world adoption and Ethereum’s unthinkable security, community, and web effects,” said Celo successful an authoritative release.
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