Data & Intelligence — A Modern Day Currency

1 day ago 14

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The Capital

Data has been a valuable “commodity” for many years, even decades. However, it’s been of value for a select few, only enriching those in a position to leverage its previously untapped value. Fast forward to today, and blockchain-based models are leveraging the value of data and Intelligence. Information has value, and depending on the level and type of information, it can be incredibly viable to those who possess it.

Intelligence agencies were established as a direct response to this dynamic. The more secretive and credible information they can attain, the more powerful they become as a nation. Knowledge is power directly linked to money in the world’s system. This value and economic activity element has become integral to crypto and blockchain-based projects. DePIN projects are a good example of this dynamic.

Decentralized blockchain-based models are beginning to leverage data and information as an incentive model, often married to a tokenized infrastructure. The Crypto space continues to experience a growing interest in these hybrid-type models. Projects that incorporate tokenomics, data, and intelligence. Even older models, such as bandwidth sharing, now include a tokenized model to complement and enhance the original model.

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