Exclusive: How India can use its rivers to mine Bitcoin like Bhutan

2 weeks ago 15

Bhutan, a tiny sovereign kingdom, sandwiched betwixt 2 Asian giants-China and India, is softly stacking up Bitcoin- the integer gold, each acknowledgment to its rivers. Yes, you heard that right!

The unsocial topography of Bhutan allows the kingdom to spot strategically its Bitcoin mining centers adjacent to hydroelectric powerfulness plants that run connected its 4 large rivers- Amo Chu, Wang Chu, Punat Sang Chu & Mangde Chu. In little than 5 years, Bhutan has amassed over $1 Billion successful Bitcoin, generating a scope of 55-75 BTC per week from its mining operations.

Interestingly, each 4 large rivers of Bhutan merge into Brahmaputra stream basin and participate India to signifier antithetic rivers and its tributaries. But past what astir India and wherefore is she not utilizing its earthy resources to excavation Bitcoins?

India, the astir populous federation successful the world, is diverse, vivid and massive; not conscionable by its colonisation but besides successful presumption of onshore area, topography and varied languages, civilization arsenic good arsenic faith. From the arid plains of Rajasthan to the hilly terrain of Arunachal Pradesh, India encompasses 3.28 cardinal quadrate kilometers and is blessed with 10 perennial rivers including the beatified Ganges and a flourishing ecosystem that has survived since past times.

Owing to its geographical determination & perennially fierce rivers, India ranks 5th globally erstwhile it comes to installed hydropower generation. Just similar its Himalayan neighbour Bhutan, it excessively has the imaginable to excavation bitcoins and go a large subordinate successful this niche manufacture successful the coming years. 

But dissimilar it’s neighbor, India has a alternatively “hush-hush” attack towards cryptocurrencies successful wide and truthful niche sectors similar bitcoin mining person remained mostly neglected. While Bhutan possesses a important $1 Billion successful bitcoin holdings, India’s cryptocurrency travel is hindered by precocious taxes and broad bans. 

In this article, we volition dissect the Bitcoin mining operations of Bhutan, revisit its unsocial topography and recognize however India tin besides utilize its rivers to excavation the integer gold.

What is Bitcoin Mining and wherefore it is simply a lucrative business?  

Bitcoin mining is simply a process successful blockchain networks that helps successful the confirmation and finalization of transactions. The miners usage a specialized, high-powered machine strategy to excavation the coins. The main enactment of crypto miners is to unafraid the network, verify the transaction, & circulate caller coins. 

Being a niche sector, Bitcoin mining is rather a profitable concern arsenic the corporate marketplace headdress of the apical 5 backstage Bitcoin mining firms worldwide is simply a staggering $1377 billion. To sanction a few, MARA Holdings, Riot Blockchain & Core Scientific are US-based crypto mining companies with yearly turnovers of $338 billion, $376 billion, and $558 billion, respectively.

Why is Bitcoin Mining Expensive? 

Bitcoin/Crypto mining farms are ample concern setups. They are usually located successful distant areas wherever energy setups are arranged with high-speed internet, businesslike cooling systems, and ventilation. This is due to the fact that bitcoin mining generates computing powerfulness equivalent to 3.7 cardinal supercomputers. 

According to experts, the mining installation should besides supply extortion from outdoor conditions and person due information measures. It is for this reason, retention facilities and warehouses run mining farms due to the fact that of the above-mentioned requirements.

Some large Bitcoin Mining Firms Around The Globe

There are galore different countries that are starring successful the Bitcoin mining endeavor. U.S. is astatine the forefront, boasting a formidable infrastructure and readily disposable capital, making it an exceptionally appealing destination for organization miners seeking profitable opportunities.

That’s wherefore the apical 4 miners successful the apical 5 spots are taken by companies based successful the USA. Let’s person a look astatine the apical 5 Bitcoin mining companies’ list.

MARA Holdings (Market Cap $410 Billion)

At archetypal is MARA Holdings, a steadfast established successful Florida, which is regarded arsenic 1 of the largest bitcoin miners globally with a marketplace headdress of $410 billion. It is besides the 2nd largest firm holder of Bitcoin. 

Riot Blockchain (Market Cap $398 Billion)

Keeping adjacent is Riot Blockchain, the largest Bitcoin mining works successful North America successful presumption of developed capacity. The full marketplace headdress of Riot Blockchain is $398 billion.

Core Scientific (Market Cap $239.53 Billion)

Then we person Core Scientific, which has facilities successful 7 US states. Core Scientific’s marketplace capitalization was $239.53 cardinal successful February 2025. Due to this, Core Scientific is present the 3702nd astir invaluable steadfast successful the world.

Bitdeer (Market Cap $219.37 Billion)

The 4th spot is taken by Bitdeer Technology Group, a Singapore-based company. The marketplace capitalization of Bitdeer Technologies Group was $219.37 cardinal successful February 2025.

Clean Spark (Market Cap $217.41 Billion)

Another institution worthy mentioning is Clean Spark. It operates successful Tennessee, Wyoming, Mississippi, and Georgia.  The marketplace capitalization of CleanSpark was $217.41 cardinal successful February 2025.

How Geography Influences the Location Of Mining Setups? 

Apart from robust infrastructure and capital, geography besides plays a cardinal relation successful the setup of mining facilities. Russia follows U.S. closely, acknowledgment to its abundant vigor sources. peculiarly successful earthy state and hydropower. Particularly successful the portion of Serbia, the acold clime leads to reduced cooling costs. 

But determination are immoderate large crypto mining farms dispersed passim the globe. Some of which are:

  1. Dalian, China is simply a larboard metropolis successful bluish China that offers the cheapest powerfulness supply. 
  2. Reykjavik, Iceland is 1 of the oldest mining farms is situated present owing to acold climates.
  3. Washington, USA is simply a spot with favorable infrastructure and 1 of the cheapest powerfulness supplies. 
  4. Linthal successful Switzerland is simply a colony wherever chill clime makes it favorable for bitcoin mining. 
  5. Amsterdam successful Netherlands is simply a metropolis offers inexpensive powerfulness supply, and the chill clime is an added point. 

Bhutan’s travel successful Bitcoin Mining

Bhutan started its travel successful bitcoin mining successful 2019, erstwhile it was valued astatine $5000 and was fueled by the Covid-19 crisis.  It has abundant rivers that are fed by glaciers. The state has 4 large rivers—Amo Chu, Wang Chu, Punat Sang Chu & Mangde Chu—and galore different rivulets, each of which drain into the Brahmaputra River Basin.

four antithetic  rivers of Bhutan are Amo Chu, Wang Chu, Punat Sang Chu & Mangde Chu

Bhutan’s installed hydropower capableness stands astatine 1,615 megawatts arsenic of 2016, retired of an estimated hydropower imaginable of 30,000 megawatts, and Bhutan operates 4 large hydroelectric facilities: PunatSangchu, Kurichu, Mangdechu, and Tata Hydropower projects. 

These supply important hydropower to the “Land of the Thunder Dragon”, making it a suitable state for mounting up Bitcoin mining farms. The 4 sites are situated successful Dochula Pass, connected the banks of the Punat Sangchu river. The different 2 are successful Trongsa and Dagana connected the Mangde Chu and the Kuri Chu rivers, respectively. The astir salient mining workplace is possibly connected the failed acquisition metropolis task connected the Raidek River.

Also Read: Crypto Investor Shares Rare Glimpse of Bitcoin Mining successful Bhutan

Best Sites In India for mounting up Bitcoin Farms 

Based connected the topography of India and the determination of its 10 perennial rivers, we person travel up with 5 champion cities successful India to acceptable up Bitcoin mining centers.

Indian rivers - Hasdeo, Krishna, Dri, Satluj and Ganges

Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh

This place, located connected the foothills of the Shivaliks and banks of the Sutlej River, has the perfect terrains and would person an unlimited powerfulness proviso harnessed from the Bhakra-Nangal dam.

Korba, Chattisgarh

Korba, Chhattisgarh, is situated successful the concern country of Korba. The dense wood screen provides earthy cover, portion the Korba Super Thermal Plant and the Hasdeo River supply power. 

Begusarai, Bihar

The fiscal and concern superior of Bihar connected the banks of the Ganges tin beryllium an perfect determination for bitcoin mining. The vigor needs tin beryllium fulfilled by the hydropower task connected the stream Ganga.

Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh

Just similar Bhutan, Dibang Valley has a batch of fierce rivers. The largest hydropower dam successful India is besides being constructed here, which volition look aft the powerfulness demands of the mining facility.

Bijapur, Karnataka

This humanities territory of Karnataka has the imaginable to go a bitcoin mining city. The hydropower dam connected the Krishna and Doni rivers tin supply capable power. 

How India Can Benefit From Bitcoin Mining

The profitability of bitcoin mining successful India depends connected respective factors:

Electricity Costs

Crypto mining rigs devour a batch of power, and energy prices successful India tin beryllium high. This tin importantly devour the profits.

Mining Difficulty

Bitcoin has a precise precocious mining difficulty, making it challenging to vie with large-scale mining operations.

Hardware Costs

Specialized mining hardware (ASICs) is expensive, and determination is simply a request for businesslike cooling systems to negociate the vigor they generate.

However, utilizing hydropower for vigor needs and having wide probe to excavation bitcoin volition beryllium advantageous. Also, mining pools to harvester resources and summation chances of earning rewards tin assistance successful maximizing profits. Another important happening to see is taxation implementation. Crypto mining profits are taxable to taxation successful India, truthful it is important to origin this into calculations.

Final Thoughts

Just similar its neighbour kingdom Bhutan, India is blessed to person abundant rivers with the imaginable to harness hydropower. By utilizing this hydropower energy, India has the imaginable to go a large subordinate successful the Bitcoin mining community.

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