Telegram has taken different measurement successful expanding its cryptocurrency offerings by adding Litecoin to its built-in Wallet feature. Starting March 24, 2025, non-U.S. users tin buy, sell, and commercialized Litecoin straight wrong the Telegram app. However, outer transfers—both deposits and withdrawals, are not yet available. The Wallet squad has confirmed that this diagnostic volition beryllium introduced astatine a aboriginal date.
With implicit 1 cardinal progressive monthly users, Telegram is 1 of the world’s largest messaging platforms. Its interior cryptocurrency wallet has besides been increasing rapidly, present boasting much than 100 cardinal users. Telegram’s Wallet already lets users commercialized fashionable cryptocurrencies similar Bitcoin, Toncoin, and USDT, on with immoderate in-app gaming tokens.
More integer currencies volition beryllium added successful the coming months, but Litecoin was chosen present arsenic a tribute to its long-standing estimation arsenic 1 of the astir trusted and wide utilized cryptocurrencies.
To people Litecoin’s motorboat connected Telegram, the level is allowing users to get it for escaped implicit the adjacent 7 days. This gives radical a accidental to effort retired the diagnostic without immoderate other cost. The connection is apt to gully successful much users and promote greater usage of Litecoin connected Telegram.
Adding Litecoin to Telegram’s Wallet is simply a measurement successful the company’s larger effort to turn its relation successful the cryptocurrency world. By making transactions wrong the app straightforward and smooth, Telegram is moving toward a aboriginal wherever messaging and integer currencies enactment manus successful hand.
Also Read: Bitcoin & Litecoin PoW Mining are Not Securities, Says SEC