According to the report by the Supreme Court of Cassation in the latest ruling on January 15, 2025, crypto are not considered as potentially seizable assets.
In fact, digital currencies like Bitcoin do not yet have a legal value in Italy and therefore cannot be seized in advance by the tax authorities in case of tax evasion.
This interpretation could, however, undergo future revisions in light of the adoption of the MiCAR Regulation, which introduces a clearer and more rigorous regulatory framework for the management of crypto-assets.
Let’s see all the details below.
Judgment no. 1760/2025 of the Cassazione: crypto cannot be seized
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, the Supreme Court of Cassation ruled on the issue of tax crimes, stating that crypto are not considered seizable.
With the ruling n.1760/2025 it was established that the precautionary measure of preventive seizure of crypto assets is not legitimate in the case of tax evasion.
This decision by the Cassazione is motivated by the fact that digital currencies like Bitcoin do not have legal tender status in Italy and are not recognized as a means of payment with liberating effects. They are not subject to the regulations governing the circulation and exchange of currencies legally recognized by the State.
Cryptocurrencies indeed represent a “virtual value” not guaranteed by the exercise of authoritative powers of a central bank or a public entity.
Their quotation is not consequently correlatable to the trend of the euro, which constitutes the fiat currency with which the same tax debt towards the Treasury is expressed.
There are also no institutions and/or state bodies that can guarantee a stable value of crypto at the time of potential conversion into fiat.
In summary, the conversion into digital currencies of the amount that can be seized in euros as profit from the violation of the fiscal legislation is unlawful.
Therefore, in the case of a tax offense, the tax authorities cannot appeal to the crypto assets of the suspect with the latter being ultimately defined as non-seizable.
This interpretation by the Cassazione has sparked many controversies regarding the legal position of crypto in Italy, despite their growing worldwide adoption.
The lawyer and YouTuber Angelo Greco has published a short video on the subject, highlighting how thanks to crypto one can practically manage to avoid paying taxes!