The price of the crypto Fantom (FTM) grows by 40% in a month: what’s behind this momentum?

4 days ago 11
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In recent times, the crypto world has witnessed a significant increase in the price of Fantom (FTM). 

With an impressive growth of 40% over the course of just one month, Fantom is attracting more and more attention from investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. This bull momentum does not seem to be a simple market swing, but rather the result of several key factors that are fueling the demand for FTM and pushing the price to new levels. 

In this article, we will take a closer look at what is happening to Fantom (FTM), the reasons behind this growth, and what might happen in the coming months.

What is Fantom (FTM) and what are the reasons behind the bull rally of the crypto price?

Before analyzing the recent rally of the price of Fantom, it is important to understand what this cryptocurrency is and why it is gaining popularity. Fantom is a next-generation blockchain platform that stands out for its speed and scalability. Its main goal is to offer a highly efficient solution for decentralized applications (dApp) and DeFi transactions.

The Fantom network uses an innovative consensus mechanism, the Lachesis protocol, which allows for thousands of transactions per second with very low costs and almost instantaneous confirmation times.

Thanks to these technical characteristics, Fantom has quickly positioned itself as one of the most promising platforms in the cryptocurrency landscape. The growth of its adoption in DeFi and the increase in projects based on its blockchain have contributed to increasing the value of FTM, the native token of the network.

One of the main reasons behind the recent increase in the price of Fantom is its classic bull trading pattern. 

Technical analysts have noticed that FTM has followed a pattern called “cup and handle”, a configuration that suggests a potential breakout upwards. This model is characterized by a U-shape, followed by a slight dip (the “handle”), which anticipates a strong price rise.

In the case of Fantom, the price was able to break the key resistance, confirming the bull signal and paving the way for further increases. Analysts predict that, if the cryptocurrency market continues to maintain a positive trend, FTM could continue its rally and reach new highs in the coming months.

The increase in demand in DeFi

One of the fundamental factors behind the recent growth in the price of Fantom (FTM) is the increase in demand for decentralized solutions in finance (DeFi). 

Fantom has attracted numerous DeFi dApp developers thanks to its speed, scalability, and extremely low transaction costs. The platform has proven to be a valid alternative to Ethereum, which continues to struggle with network congestion issues and high fees.

In particular, the growing adoption of lending protocols, staking, and yield farming on Fantom has increased the demand for FTM. Token holders can use it to access these services, further incentivizing the purchase and holding of FTM. This virtuous circle has significantly contributed to pushing the price upwards.

Another element that has fueled the growth of Fantom is the recent announcement of new collaborations and strategic partnerships. The platform has entered into agreements with several important projects in the blockchain, finance, and technology sectors. These partnerships not only increase the credibility and visibility of Fantom, but also encourage the development of new applications and use cases for the FTM token.

Among the most significant collaborations, we find those with public and private entities in various countries, which are exploring the use of Fantom’s blockchain for the management of digital infrastructures, decentralized finance, and secure transactions. These initiatives, once implemented on a large scale, could lead to further growth in the value of the token.

Positive market sentiment and macroeconomic factors

The rally of Fantom (FTM) cannot be analyzed without considering the broader context of the cryptocurrency market. In recent months, the general market sentiment has improved thanks to a series of positive news, including the growing adoption of cryptocurrencies by financial institutions and governments.

Macroeconomic factors are also playing a role. Global economic uncertainty and concerns related to inflation are driving more and more investors to seek alternatives to traditional markets, with cryptocurrencies representing an attractive solution. In this context, Fantom, with its unique characteristics, is emerging as one of the most promising digital assets.

What to expect in the future for the price of the crypto Fantom (FTM)?

The future of Fantom (FTM) looks bright, especially if the platform manages to maintain its growth trajectory and attract new developers and users. However, as with any cryptocurrency, there are always associated risks. Market volatility and possible corrections could affect the price of FTM in the short term.

However, analysts believe that if Fantom continues to innovate and expand its ecosystem, the FTM token could see further gains. In particular, if the adoption of DeFi continues to grow and if strategic partnerships result in new concrete projects, Fantom could consolidate its position among the most relevant cryptocurrencies in the sector.

The recent rally in the price of Fantom (FTM), with a 40% increase in a month, reflects a combination of technical, fundamental, and market factors. From the growing adoption in DeFi to new strategic partnerships, along with a favorable market context, everything indicates that Fantom still has a lot of room to grow. 

However, investors should closely monitor market dynamics and future technological developments to best seize the opportunities offered by this cryptocurrency.

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