Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko has erstwhile again criticized Layer-2 rollups, arguing that they are unnecessary erstwhile Layer-1 blockchains tin grip everything efficiently. He believes that L1 solutions, similar Solana, are faster, cheaper, and much unafraid without the request for analyzable fraud proofs oregon multi-signature upgrades, which helium says lone adhd unnecessary risks.
Taking a excavation astatine the increasing fig of L2 networks, Yakovenko questioned wherefore they adjacent exist. Earlier this month, helium said developers could skip the hassle of creating an L2 and conscionable motorboat a token instead. In his view, determination are lone truthful galore utile astute contracts retired there, and that makes the enlargement of L2s pointless.
He besides argued that if a azygous L2 is susceptible of moving transactions successful parallel, past it should beryllium capable to marque afloat usage of the disposable blobspace and screen each indispensable usage cases. If that’s the case, helium asks, wherefore would determination request to beryllium aggregate L2s competing with each other?
Yakovenko didn’t halt there. He has besides been vocal astir his disapproval of Ethereum’s scaling model, claiming that L2s are really harming Ethereum’s basal furniture alternatively than helping it. He said that these solutions drain high-priority transactions from Ethereum itself, making them much of a occupation than a benefit.
In the past, helium has adjacent gone arsenic acold arsenic to telephone L2s parasitic, arguing that they trust connected Ethereum’s infrastructure portion taking worth distant from the main blockchain.
Adding to the debate, Ethereum’s transaction gross has plunged by 95% since its highest successful precocious 2021. Yakovenko thinks this important driblet successful Ethereum’s gross brings up important doubts astir whether L2s are genuinely adjuvant oregon if they’re really weakening Ethereum’s core. In his opinion, the absorption should beryllium connected improving Layer-1 solutions alternatively than adding much layers connected top.