Who is Lazarus Group?

2 days ago 16

It is known that North Korean group definitions significantly overlap, and some security researchers report all state-sponsored cyber activities of North Korea under the name Lazarus Group, rather than tracking clusters or subgroups such as Andariel, APT37, APT38, and Kimsuky.


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Lazarus develops its own attack tools and malware, utilizes innovative attack techniques, works very methodically, and takes its time. In particular, North Korean methods aim to evade detection by security products and remain undetected in compromised systems for as long as possible.

The Lazarus Group, also known as APT38, is a cyber espionage group that has been active since at least 2009. This group is believed to be based in North Korea and is associated with the North Korean government’s Reconnaissance General Bureau. The group has targeted banks, financial institutions, casinos, cryptocurrency exchanges, SWIFT system endpoints, and ATMs in at least 38 countries worldwide with sophisticated cross-platform attacks.

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation says that the Lazarus Group is allegedly a North Korean “state-sponsored hacking organization”. According to North Korean defector Kim…

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